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Pasar Klewer in Solo, Central Java, Indonesia is already very well known, both for the citizens of Solo himself and the community outside the city of Solo. Klewer market as well as a tourist attraction in the city of Solo place original art known as the city of culture and tourism city. Very strategic location adjacent to the township batik Lawiyan, and is approximately 500 mtr from the castle Vasternburg, 1 km from Pasar Gede, Loji Gandrung, 2 km from Triwindu, Batik Museum, 3 km from Sriwedari Park, Sriwedari Stadium, Museum Radyapustaka or Klewer Market precisely adjacent to Kasunanan Palace is located in the south of the Great Mosque.
Klewer Market located on the west gate of Kraton Surakarta with total area of ​​12,950 m2. In the area of ​​Pasar Klewer has building styles "Javanese Culture palace". Clearly visible form gapuranya built by Pakubuwono X.

Every day Pasar Klewer is never empty. Many foreign tourists visit there. Traders from all over Indonesia, even from foreign countries are also taking or wholesale batik in this market. Indeed, the prices of batik in these markets tend to be much cheaper, because it is also the market as a wholesaler. Batik is offered not only batik shirt, but no sandals slippers, bags, kebaya. In addition the market Klewer also provide clothes area Central Java and equipment such as daggers, blangkon, beskap are available various types of fabrics and garments ranging from children's clothing, adult, elderly, formal wear, school uniforms, clothes blouse pretty, clothing relaxing etc. But what stands out in Klewer market is there are available various types of batik.
This batik fabric wholesale centers also provide various kinds and types of batik motifs, such as Solo batik motif, batik and motives - other motives. There are also various types of batik Solo, as the original batik Solo, antique batik Kraton Surakarta, Solo batik negligee.
In addition there is also Batik Solo Batik Yogyakarta, Pekalongan Batik, Batik Banyumas, Batik Madura, Betawi Batik, Batik Bali etc.
In this market also provides batik fabrics for clothes, bed sheets, pillowcases, bags, and various other accessories themed batik.

The visitors and buyers who come to shop as much, choose at will the types of clothing to be desired with retail and wholesale prices. Buyers can bid price from direct sellers, if good at bargain prices will get lower price. Buyers who come mostly from out of town for resale thus obtained lower prices and also purchase in bulk.

There are several things that make the visitors happy and come back again to shop for this market. The first is because the prices of goods sold in the market is fairly cheap. This is possible because the majority of traders in these markets also have convection. Thus, the product sold is a product that they make

In addition to various types of batik, snacks and handicrafts are also sold in this market.

If the trace on the outside market, dipinggiran market and curb many food vendors offering a wide variety of typical regional culinary Solo.
Solo City including snacks paradise for lovers of culinary tourism. Call it chicken satay Buntel typical solo, Gudek Sambel Fried Claw, timlo Solo, Sambel Tumpang, Tepong Chicken, Tengkleng, Gule Goat, Tongseng Goat Young, Beef, Rice Liwet, Cabuk Rambak, Pecel Crow Sipat, Ice Dawet, Know Kupat, Hiek Angkringan, Brem, Ampyang, Peek Fried, Lung, pancake, getuk Lindri, until Godril and much more.
It also becomes the icon of the Travelers to come to the Pasar Klewer and Solo.

Trading activities in Pasar Klewer is quite interesting because buyers can bargain price. Conformity with the quality of goods is also a benchmark price for the seller to offer wares. Friendliness seller also makes the buyers to be comfortable to shop in this market.
Another thing that makes the customers happy shopping at this market is the hospitality of the seller. In fact, there is a principle that is held by the traders here, it's okay if not profit, which is important to establish fraternity. On the basis of that principle, the seller-buyer relationship here is not just a business relationship, but also familial. Principle that is what also makes the price of the products sold in this market can be cheap.

Since November 2012, the Klewer Market established as one of the cultural heritage in Solo. This market operates from 7:30 am until 17:00 pm. If you've been to this market when there was in Solo. You must have felt the hospitality of the sellers who are here.

Traveled solo to feel incomplete if they do not buy the kind of by by and souvenirs for the closest, as the best area of ​​Pasar Klewer could perhaps be a fitting choice of location to hunt for bargains and quality for tourists visiting several solo.

Pasar Klewer solo is a unique market in Central Java which has its own characteristics among the wealth of cultural, culinary and historical heritage beauty.

 Other beauty as Pasar Klewer adjacent to Surakarta, Grand Mosque and square - north plaza so visitors can enjoy shopping, sightseeing and historical tours in the region. That is why Pasar Klewer has a tourist attraction in the city of Solo for tourists both local and foreign tourists.

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#natural #indonesia #bali #tourism #romantic

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