
Seeing the beauty of Sunrise Lake Kelimutu, Flores

Mixmug News,
Visiting Lake Flores, Ende Flores is my dream for a long time. Lucky mid-August I could come to this place. I deliberately stay in the village of Moni, at the foot of Mount Flores to be able to come to the lake early morning three colors. Of the homestay owner Chenty, Mother Nonna I got the information can rent a motorcycle with the cost of commuting and we will wait until fall back to the inn.

Of course I did not refuse the offer. Due to rent a car needs friends sharing for rental cars and must have at least of five friends from the village of Moni. Moni village can be reached by public bus from Ende with a distance of about one and a half hour.

After buying the entrance ticket for local tourists I hurried ride motorcycles again to get to the parking lot, then walk up the mountain Kakin uphill for more than half an hour. Lucky the existing stairs and there is a path that makes it easy trekking. Along the way the sound of birds singing.

Orange sun slowly emerging from the side of Kelimutu. Then rays hitting one Kelimutu crater lakes or light green. The crater looks sparkling and as if there were reflection rainbow above the lake. The foreign tourists who had gathered screamed wow wow when the sun begins to rise slowly shone face.

To keep warm while waiting for a lot of specialty coffee sellers Flores sold at the observation post, able to warm the body. If you have not had breakfast of instant noodles are also in peak Kelimutu cold.

Lake Flores known to display different colors. Usually blue, red, and white. But these colors are always changing over time. When I came was all-green color is green Tosca almost bluish, whitish light green, and dark green. The most beautiful of course if there are shades of red tea so noticeable color contrast.

Factors that cause the color change is the lake chemistry and sunlight. There is also the belief that one of the lakes were red means that the country is in turmoil. Additionally in the lake water contained iron, sulfate, salt, and other minerals.

The uniqueness of the colors that make the tourists visiting these attractions. Kelimutu colored red or "Tiwu Ata Polo" is believed to be a gathering place for the spirits of those who during his life often do evil deeds. While Color White or "Ata Tiwu Mbupu" is believed by the villagers as a gathering place for the souls of their ancestors who died when they were older. Blue lake or "Nuwa Tiwu Nuri Koo Fai" is a gathering place for the soul of the lake young couple who have died.

For visiting Flores, tourists can come through the town of Ende or Maumere by road. It is advisable to stay out in the village of Moni famous with many homestaynya, if his intention to see the sunrise in this beautiful lake.

In addition, local people believe that the lake is a sacred lake and gives fertility to the surrounding area. Then no less frequently held ceremonies at the lake where people give offerings to the spirits of the earth results in the lake. Lucky I accidentally came when Flores Festival is held.

Around the lake there is a guard shack, shelter for tourists, and a toilet, as well as some small guesthouse for tourists who want to stay, as well as several restaurants. Keep in mind that the best time to visit the Lake Three Colors are July and August, during the dry season. Especially every 14th of August is the peak event of the Festival of Flores where the elders here give offerings to the spirits of ancestors in Lake Kelimutu. All dances Flores also presented at this Flores Festival.

 #holiday #tour #traveling #cheap #pleasure 
#natural #indonesia #bali #tourism #romantic

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