

Mixmug News. Odong-odong so many people call it. But sometimes there are people who refer to it as an ornamental rickshaw. There are also shaped like a train ornament. Odong odong a similar vehicle-train, but odong-odong has a tricycle and some have four-wheel drive, odong-odong executed by means of two pedal strokes to four strokes and have tools such as wheel bike in general but there are tools like a car wheel. Like the little train, odong-odong 2-4 people can ride there is even more on the content. Shuttle also has placed at the foot brakes but there also were on hand.Uniquely decorated vehicles from a variety of decorative lights that adorn the odong-odong. So it looks beautiful and attractive. But in terms of decorative lights, odong-odong has different characteristics in each square of examples like Metro square decorative lights around the entire odong-odong sometimes there are forms such as Doraemon doll, angry bird, butterfly and other animals, passengers can sit on because there odong odong-level. Odong-odong in Metro plaza also playing music in odong-odong, we can ask in rotate songs according to our wishes. Looking around the plaza accompanied our favorite songs. Almost all odong-odong or rickshaw full of music, but usually children's songs.Currently odong-odong began encountered. Transportation is a means of transport used for the visitors circling the square while enjoying the beautiful night on the town square by pedaling together.Transportation is usually appears when the afternoon when at 17.00 until 24.00 pm, the owners odong odong-lined edge of the square offering transportation services. Many visitors who come indeed intend to square just to play odong-odong or ornamental rickshaw.With the rent depending on your bargaining can surround the square with odong-odong that can fill 2-6. Can enjoy the beauty of the square in the evening abuzz with odong-pedaling the rickshaw inlaid odong or tariffs are relatively inexpensive. If interested, datangin wrote the square at the Metro with family, relatives, your friends. Definitely guaranteed fun. Happy traveling cheap .....

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