
Alternative Nature in The Way Kambas Jungle

Mixmug News. Way Kambas National Park, Lampung, but can enjoy elephant at Elephant Training Center, we can also surround the national park while riding elephants trained. Sitting proboscidian backs, through the forest park, while hunting deer and birds enjoyed a decent adventure. A challenging alternative tourism.
Way Kambas National Park located in the northern Lampung is synonymous with elephants. National Park has an area of ​​125,621 hectares is designated as a national park by the Minister of Forestry Decree No.. 670/Kpts-II/1999.

From Jakarta, Way Kambas National Park is pretty far. But do not worry, you can unwind in the way when crossed with the ferric from Merak to Bakauheni for 3 + hours. The entrance from the gate to the PLG Ijo as far as 9 km has also been good and presents an interesting sight. So do not be afraid to be bored during the trip.

When they reached the Elephant Training Center ,Way Kambas National Park, first treat is that we can enjoy the elephant enclosure and elephant training activities by the elephant handler. From the train to the attractions to bathe the elephants that we can enjoy here. But do not look for the elephant enclosure building. Because here in the form of the elephant enclosure open field with stakes from benton to tie an elephant with a chain. PLG occupants elephants are trained for this work. For example, for the sake of tourism, transport timber, forest patrol, arrest and deter wild elephants and plowing. Elephants are trained than many were sent to the Safari Park and the zoo. Not only in Indonesia, but also abroad. The handler elephant was also much to learn from Thailand.

Places to see in general is  elephan Way Kambas National Parkt. Ranging from dance, to the accompaniment of musical skills attraction like in a circus show. For example, play ball, shake hands, respectful, draping flowers, tug of war, and swimming. We can also ride these elephants.

Deer (Cervus timorensis)
National Park is not only elephants that we can see. There are many other interesting species of wild life. Call it the red jungle fowl Sumatra (Galus varius), wild boar, deer, lizards, birds, grouse, python snakes, Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae), tapir (Tapirus indicus), coyote (Cuon alpinus sumatrensis), gibbon (Hylobates syndactylus syndactylus), 406 species of birds including wood duck (Cairina scutulata), yarn clothing stork (Ciconia episcopus stormi), stork barrels (Leptoptilos javanicus), blue pheasant (Lophura ignita), pheasants (Argusianus argus argus), pecuk snake (Anhinga melanogaster), various types of reptiles, amphibians, fish, and insects.

Do not worry you will not get to see all these animals. Some of these rare animals can be seen while walking around the forest. Let us add exciting adventure, just rent the elephants are trained to usher us into the corners of the forest.

The sensation of riding an elephant while exploring the woods is more secure and enjoyable than riding a horse or camel. Occasional elephant grass would break through the hedge and shrubs and tall plants. Several times the "largest land mammal" this will easily cross over time in the forest. Trained animals can also be invited to work herding deer and wild boar for us capture with a camera.

Cage the elephant, in the form of an open field
Generally Way Kambas National Park forest is open lowland forest overgrown with tall grass and weeds. By riding elephants, seemed safari in Africa alone. From the top of the elephant, we could while hunting endangered species that exist in this Way Kambas National Park. But weapons are allowed only camera only, nothing else. Tips from the handler, to be able to see most of the wildlife, preferably early morning or late afternoon. If you're lucky, when on safari, in addition to deer, wild boar and wild elephants, we can also meet with hariamau Sumatran tiger beetle and the already scarce and rare.

If you want even more challenging, or want to see different scenery, then we can do this Way Kambas National Park night safari. In the evening, hundreds of deer and wild boar would casually approached the elephant enclosure and the keepers mess. If you decide to stay, we can open up a tent in the camping ground, or it can stay in the mess the elephant handler. But do not forget, bring mosquito repellent lotion.

In the middle of the woods, we can also cook look like ranger while resting and picking wild fruit. For example, palm fruit, greetings, and guava. After walking around the forest safari is complete, and up at the elephant enclosure we will also get a bonus from the handler. That is a short course how to control elephant rides. Not so difficult, if you're listening, trained 10 minutes, you are able to control the elephants are trained.

While in the woods, do not worry you will starve. In the Elephant Training Center, there are dozens of food stalls selling a variety of snacks, drinks and heavy meals, and souvenirs. So you will not starve here. Public facilities such as toilets, showers, and a prayer room was also available.

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