of Indonesia is an archipelagic country located in Southeast Asia, the
Indonesian islands stretching from west to east, from Sabang to Merauke
as an archipelagic country, Indonesia has vast oceans bigger Indonesia
was right to be in the zone of equatorial country Indonesia is known as countries rich in natural resources, including crude oil, coal to tropical rain forests.
In addition, Indonesia also has leisure and recreation are really tempting. Leisure and recreation in Indonesia created from the natural beauty. In fact, there is a holiday and recreation in Indonesia which is
famous in the world, which is a haven of natural beauty and culture.Travel places very crowded when vacation time arrives. Indeed,
there is lot of tourist attractions in the State Beloved Indonesia
deserves to be the reference of the holiday for you you are vacation with his family, friends, or your faithful friend boyfriend,
or do you holidays with friends work together, vacation For
kids school who entered the holiday ,One of the major tourist destinations in the Land of Java, has now become an indispensable icon of the city of Yogyakarta. Malioboro area is located very strategically between Ngayogyakarta and Tugu Pal Putih.For
most tourists both local and foreign, have been familiar Malioboro
shopping trips as the most desirable place in Yogyakarta. Rate trading activity is very pronounced in this place. Nevertheless Malioboro historical background was no less impressive.Malioboro established to coincide with the establishment of the Kraton. In Sanskrit, the word "malioboro" meaningful bouquet. It might have something to do with the past when the palace held a big event then Malioboro will be filled with flowers.
Malioboro word also comes from the name of a British colonial named Marlborough who had lived there in 1811-1816 ADThe development of the period was dominated by the Dutch in building facilities to boost the economy and their strength, like the Tugu Station construction by Spoorweg Staat (1887) in Malioboro, which is physically managed to divide the road into two parts. Meanwhile, Malioboro street has an important role in the independence era (post-1945), as the Indonesian people fighting for their freedom in the battle that occurred north-south along the road.The existence of Malioboro is inseparable from the concept of the city of Yogyakarta, arranged longitudinally to the direction of north - south, with roads leading to the winds and intersect perpendicularly. That pattern is reinforced by the "imaginary line" that runs from north to south, with the palace as its midpoint.
"Axis" is manifested in the form of buildings, namely Tugu (Pal White) in the north, to the south of roads Margatama (Mangkubumi) and Margamulya (Malioboro), Kraton Yogyakarta, Jl. IN. Panjaitan, ended up on stage Krapyak. If the starting point (Tugu) forwarded to the north will be up to Mount Merapi, while if the end point (Stage Krapyak) will be forwarded to the Indian Ocean.In the colonial era (1790-1945) urban pattern was interrupted by the Dutch built fort Vredeburg (1790) at the southern end of Jalan Malioboro. In addition to building the fort Dutch also build Societeit Der Vereneging Djogdjakarta (1822), The Dutch Governor's Residence (1830), Javasche Bank and post office to maintain their dominance in Yogyakarta. Dutch community in Yogyakarta developed rapidly since the reign of Sultan Hamengkubuwono VII (1877-1921).
Malioboro word also comes from the name of a British colonial named Marlborough who had lived there in 1811-1816 ADThe development of the period was dominated by the Dutch in building facilities to boost the economy and their strength, like the Tugu Station construction by Spoorweg Staat (1887) in Malioboro, which is physically managed to divide the road into two parts. Meanwhile, Malioboro street has an important role in the independence era (post-1945), as the Indonesian people fighting for their freedom in the battle that occurred north-south along the road.The existence of Malioboro is inseparable from the concept of the city of Yogyakarta, arranged longitudinally to the direction of north - south, with roads leading to the winds and intersect perpendicularly. That pattern is reinforced by the "imaginary line" that runs from north to south, with the palace as its midpoint.
"Axis" is manifested in the form of buildings, namely Tugu (Pal White) in the north, to the south of roads Margatama (Mangkubumi) and Margamulya (Malioboro), Kraton Yogyakarta, Jl. IN. Panjaitan, ended up on stage Krapyak. If the starting point (Tugu) forwarded to the north will be up to Mount Merapi, while if the end point (Stage Krapyak) will be forwarded to the Indian Ocean.In the colonial era (1790-1945) urban pattern was interrupted by the Dutch built fort Vredeburg (1790) at the southern end of Jalan Malioboro. In addition to building the fort Dutch also build Societeit Der Vereneging Djogdjakarta (1822), The Dutch Governor's Residence (1830), Javasche Bank and post office to maintain their dominance in Yogyakarta. Dutch community in Yogyakarta developed rapidly since the reign of Sultan Hamengkubuwono VII (1877-1921).
Halo Setiap Satu, nama saya Adung Alak seorang wanita Muslim dari Indonesia, saya cepat ingin menggunakan media ini untuk memperingatkan seluruh Indonesia yang mencari pinjaman di internet sangat sangat berhati-hati untuk tidak jatuh di tangan scammers dan curang, ada banyak pemberi pinjaman palsu kredit di sini di internet dan beberapa dari mereka adalah asli dan nyata, saya ingin meluncur kesaksian bagaimana Tuhan menuntun saya untuk pemberi pinjaman dan pinjaman asli nyata telah mengubah hidup saya dari rumput kasih karunia, setelah saya telah tertipu oleh beberapa pemberi pinjaman kredit di sini di internet, saya kehilangan banyak uang untuk membayar biaya pendaftaran, asuransi, pajak, dan setelah pembayaran saya masih tidak mendapatkan pinjaman saya. Setelah berbulan-bulan mencoba untuk mendapatkan pinjaman di internet dan jumlah scammed kali uang tanpa mendapatkan pinjaman dari perusahaan mereka bahwa saya menjadi begitu putus asa dalam mendapatkan pinjaman dari pemberi pinjaman kredit online asli tidak akan meningkatkan rasa sakit saya, jadi saya memutuskan untuk menghubungi seorang teman saya baru-baru ini mendapat pinjaman online, kita membahas kesimpulan kita tentang masalah dan dia bercerita tentang seorang wanita yang disebut Mrs Gabriella CEO GABRIELLA ELEANOR pINJAMAN PERUSAHAAN. Jadi saya diterapkan untuk jumlah pinjaman (Rp300,000,000) dengan tingkat bunga rendah dari 2%, tidak merawat usia saya, karena saya mengatakan kepadanya apa yang saya ingin menggunakan uang itu untuk membangun bisnis dan pinjaman saya disetujui dengan mudah tanpa stres dan semua persiapan dilakukan pada transfer kredit dan dalam waktu kurang dari 24 jam setelah pendaftaran pinjaman, itu ditransfer ke rekening bank saya dan mimpi saya datang melalui. Jadi saya ingin saran yang perlu pinjaman panggilan cepat asli sekarang email di: dia tidak tahu bahwa aku melakukan ini. Saya berdoa agar Tuhan akan memberkatinya untuk hal-hal baik yang telah dilakukan dalam hidup saya. Anda juga dapat menghubungi saya di untuk informasi lebih lanjut.