
Ogoh-ogoh Bali, Spiritual and Creativity

Mixmug News. Jembrana-Nyepi Day is a feast day Hindus, falls once a year around March. A day earlier, on tilem Kesanga (IX) called pengrupukan. At this time the ceremony was held Yadnya Bhuta (Tawur Great) to eliminate the evil elements that undermine the welfare of mankind.

Giant is a ceremony Yadnya pecaruan centered in Catus Pata (intersection) village, sub-district, district, which is held exactly at 12:00 local time. Pengrupukan held next afternoon and paraded ogoh-ogoh around the village in the form of blind time and be grilled.

The concept of making ogoh-ogoh must have aesthetic value, and hold on to the form when the annoying blind man at the time will do Penyepian Brata Nyepi day.

At first ogoh-ogoh are made of woven bamboo frame, but with the development, ogoh-ogoh made with cork. The reason for the manufacture of cork material is easier to develop creativity, as well as lighter when paraded.

Not easy to make ogoh-ogoh with cork material, in addition to easy fractures, required skills and imajinsi nice art, from the process of cutting, pasting up the painting, until he shaped ogoh-ogoh are beautiful but still on spiritual values.

To avoid a physical collision between the units, usually at the time of ogoh-ogoh pengarakan held the race, so that played a more structured dance and accentuate art rather than rah-rah. Thus a blend of creativity, art, culture and spiritual will remain intact.

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