
Leaves Benefits efficacy binahong outstanding Is Binahong it?

Mixmug News. Binahong - (anredera cordifolia) is the name of a medicinal plant from China (known as the original Dheng San Chi). Creeping rhizomes and bulbous plants have been known to have extraordinary healing benefits and has been consumed for thousands of years by the people of China, Korea, Taiwan etc.. In Southeast Asia, binahong compulsory consumption of the Vietnamese population against their American invasion had proven efficacy of this Binahong benefits.In Indonesia, this plant is actually much of the region, air cool da n widely used as an ornamental plant gate. All parts of the plant is nutritious spread, ranging from the tuber roots, stems and leaves are heart-shaped. Yet people in Indonesia do not seem to be much to know Benefits Benefits Binahong.Chemical content, Benefits Binahong leaf benefits:FlavonoidsPharmacological activity of flavonoids is as an anti-inflammatory, analgesia, anti-oxidant (De Padua et al., 1999). Anti-inflammatory mechanism occurs through an inhibitory effect on arakhidona acid metabolic pathway, the formation of prostaglandins, histamine release in inflammation (Loggia et al, 1986).Acid OleanolikOleanolik a class of triterpenoid acid which is an antioxidant in plants (Liu J, 1995; Yin et al., 2007). The mechanism of protection by oleanolik acid is to prevent the entry of toxins into cells an d improve cell defense system. Oleanolik acid also has anti-inflammatory. The content of nitric oxide inoleanolik acid is also an antioxidant, can serve as a powerful toxin to kill bacteria (Guyton et al., 1997). So with the acid oleanolik will strengthen cell resistance to infection and repair the cells so that the cells can regenerate properly. Triterpenoid saponin compounds in the leaves can lower blood sugar binahong (Soprema, 2006). With a decrease in blood sugar levels in the wound, it can also reduce the occurrence of infections.ProteinWith a molecular weight greater will be the spur antigen antibody formation. Then the antibody will activate complement (Nurwati, 2005). The protein is also capable of stimulating the production of nitric oxide (Chuang et al., 2007). Nitric oxide can increase blood flow carrying nutrients to every cell tissue. In addition, nitric oxide stimulates the body to produce growth hormone is useful to stimulate the growth and reproduction of damaged cells (Wijaya, 2008).Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C)Ascorbic acid may increase the body's resistance to infection, functions in the maintenance of mucous membranes, accelerate healing (Almatsier, 2004) and as an antioxidant, ascorbic acid important for activating enzymes that support prolil hydroxylase hydroxylation step in the formation of collagen. With the presence of ascorbic acid, it formed collagen fibers that will be more robust and accelerate wound healing (Guyton et al., 1997)SaponinTriterpenoid saponins are compounds that inhibit the function of cholesterol biosynthesis by inhibiting the enzyme that works at the level fosfolilasi, namely hydrixymethylglutaryl-CoA reductase or fatty chain extension.How binahong leaf processingBinahong few leaves chewed or boiled until soft with a glass of water, drink with the waste or can be in juice (blended). This magic leaves have properties to treat various diseases:DISEASE WEIGHT CATEGORYFor severe disease categories such healing takes 1 to 6 months. Cultivated patient taking this medication every day

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