
Mystery In Stasi XI in Goa Maria La Verna, Padangbulan

Simbarwaringin 01/22/2015. That morning at 07.30 I was with Frater Wied, somehow got a spontaneous desire to go to Goa Maria La Verna. Incidentally we place distance from Simbarwaringin towards Goa Maria which is about 75 Km (sorry this we measured the vehicle speedometer). Agree then we went to Goa Maria La Verna with a driving trip we also passed the bridge Tigeneneng, Radin Inten, Natar, Tanjung Karang past the roundabout Radin Inten, there is a T-junction turn right onto Jl. Scouts, until in the small station Kemiling turn right towards Pringsewu and pass Gedungtataan Market, Market Gadingrejo got Pringsewu market towards Tanggamus about 3 km. Pringsewu of traffic lights turn right towards the location of the Cave of Mary, in Padangbulan.

Arriving at the scene at 9:30 PM we also parked in the parking area, enter the area of ​​La Verna Goa bridged through the door. Here there are three entrances, the first one through the door retreat house, both through the door of the church of Santa Maria, to the 3-door through the bridge leading to the garden.
After a brief rest, we deliberately want to see the atmosphere around Goa.

And than we decided to Way of the Cross before praying in Goa Maria.

We do the Stations of the Cross as a prayer and contemplation, the passion, crucifixion and death of Jesus and made a source of encouragement and inspiration that renews our lives who believe in the redemptive work that has been done by Jesus.

Cross prayer we start Stasi I that are in addition to the Church of Santa Maria.

The streets were climbing and downhill and a bit slippery in the rainy season, the area lush trees. Which we experienced in the pilgrimage of the Cross.

We were surprised by the presence of the fall of the breadfruit tree and some other large trees. By passing a tree that fell, we decided to continue the Way of the Cross procession, proceed towards the next stop is at the Stasi stations XI.

Mystery, Jesus On Cross
Arriving at the stop / Stasi XI.
Prayer and some of our petition to the Almighty designation.

Some reflection we get:
(Reflections successful we found earlier and when we got home we continue to read the guidelines of the church)

> Human long we have participated in the crucified with Jesus, so that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin.

> From the Cross you see
Countless are blasphemous,
What are obedient.

> "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."

Jesus hung on the cross, in His throne despised by many people, he saw clearly the drama of the life of human life, ranging from soldiers cruel, cowardly disciples, the Pharisees were jealous, people who do not do anything when they see injustice. In the cross and in His reflection in the garden of Gethsemane, Christ also see the sins of all mankind, beginning with Adam and Eve to the last man. This means He also view all of our sins. This is the cause of Jesus sweat blood.

Along the lines of the cross roads are 14 stations (stops).
In general, the Prayer of the Cross which we live from the stations to stations is climbing and downhill path in the lush trees. In sincerity worship and in every stations, stories of passion of Jesus lived.

In any way stations of the cross is the pilgrims prayed and lit candles. Way of the Cross along the lines getting into the hill, the more lush trees anyway. There albizia trees, palm trees, breadfruit tree, tree bark also exist. However, the most dominate the bamboo tree. Lush bamboo and sometimes emits a creaking when exposed to rub against the wind makes the atmosphere like violins were singing insects Garengpung (cicadas, locust) shouted. Occasionally seen wild lizards and squirrels passing and butterflies that seem to them this is the residents in this area. But precisely where the animals were convinced us that this place is still really a natural hill, which does not forget where mosquitoes pretty much along the way of the cross.
But we really enjoyed the atmosphere of the forest beautifully neat and healthy fresh air. Once step two healthy unattainable goal of spiritual and physical.

Once we settle into the 14 stations we also towards Goa Maria.
The cave complex Padangbulan Maria La Verna is in the area of ​​verdant hills. Statue of the Virgin Mary stands majestically in Goa rocks charming, as we know-we are present around Goa.

In front of the Cave of Mary's place reserved for prayer unites together with the Virgin Mary and the saints, thus contribute to the mediation of Christ to God the Father, to bring the best for the safety of us all.

Around Goa Mary adorned with a stream of water that makes the atmosphere so fresh. In the area of ​​pilgrims pray for this, has prepared a candle and place the flowers in a large vessel. On the right side of the building there is a magnificent altar made of ornate marble pebbles and Bersalibkan a unique artwork.
While "Spring Kenya Maria" springs eternal in the river, its position is approximately 40 mtr to the left towards the front of the Cave of Mary. There are two spring springs. Only state to 2 this spring needs a little preen and clean up!.

Ornaments mountain rocks dominate the region Goa Maria, it seems there is a change of taste, use a tile roof shade awnings in use in some places. Seating length made of cement with a combination of rocks, whereas for Mushroom-shaped roof lid and Spider Webbing nest quite add attractive appearance.

About 50 meters in front of Maria's Cave 7mtr wide river flows, water is quite heavy with the gurgling sound of water flowing. On the other side of the garden there is a large banyan tree rooted lush beautiful, but it also contained oasis wells that never dry despite the long dry season. Some buildings still look less cognate hall building concept that is too modern, less in accordance with the architectural style of Goa Maria that rocks.

Goa Maria La Verna, Padangbulan, Pringsewu, which bears the name
"Mariam Women For All Mankind".
Because no less unique beauty with other persons Lourdes Lourdes. So we are not an exaggeration to call it
So, there's going to be sorry when scheduling grotto Padangbulan to become a tourist destination in the future of your pilgrimage.

Lourdes De La Verna, Pringsewu Padangbulan is usually visited by pilgrims in the month from May to October (the month of Mary for the people of Catholic). If in any other month, usually on every Saturday and Sunday grotto also visited by pilgrims who worship. There are unfortunate position of newly constructed parking close to the Stasi XIV, pilgrims must go up first to the Stasi I recently returned to the next stations, when in crowded conditions, the implementation of the Cross interrupted between the carrying out prayer cross road will intersect with the new one will towards the beginning of the Stasi, the resulting noise akirnya reduce kekusukan. Visitors Goa Maria is not only the Catholic community, many Muslims also marked by his trademark fashion.

If you want to Heritage Lourdes De La Verna with the group at the same time want to do a retreat provided a place to stay in the guesthouse retreat located in this complex area. La Verna retreat house run Franciscan Sisters of St Gregory the Martyrs (FSGM) that was established August 19, 1984.

Approximately 14.00. Akirnya we left the location of La Verna, and we go home take a path through the village around it, a trip to enjoy views of terraced rice fields set in the beautiful hills and on the way we stopped at the stalls are lined along the street Bulukkarto, to buy eel (eel size really beyond enormous up for snakes!).

The next day the party fun-call-eel in Simbarwaringin halibut.

#mariacave #holiday #wisata #tour #traveling

#Thanks Mary Pray us sinners.

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