

Mixmug News. It has been a lot of picture about the state of the Traditional Market imagenya seedy, dull, and smell. But we realize how many people were helped out of the economy in traditional markets, and also how much unemployment is helped by the presence of traditional markets. But why traditional market always stepson by the government, and more government guarantee facility from the mall or the interests of entrepreneurs.

Seeing bad this problem, the government as if the silence and prefer
accommodate the interests of employers, rather than accommodate the screams and
the plight of the small traders. Which slowly
threatened with bankruptcy and lose their income for
support his wife and children. Tragically again, the actions of the government and other related institutions, impressed lend a helping hand instead of traditional traders, but
mempelototinya even impressed even want to destroy.
The proof, this issue has been raised a few years old but not
never visit was the meeting point, further exacerbating the situation even
and bear the burden of the traders worse off.

Hopefully, traditional markets are not extinct even be used as economic power of the people.

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