

Mixmug News. Usually played the womenfolk but it can also be played by men and can be done anywhere as he waited for the current time or enjoying leisure time. Many positive value that can be taken, but unfortunately the game is lost by playing on the bright modern attractive.

In general, the overall number of holes is 16 holes, which is divided into seven small holes and one (barn) opening goal for each player. The hole is a hole leftmost goal (usually larger in diameter).

Winning score is determined from the number of seeds contained in holes goal.

Each player takes all the seeds are contained in a small hole that you want, to spread one seed per hole sequentially clockwise. Steps are repeated. If on the last hole put the seeds are still there it (the hole is not empty) then the player will continue to take all the seeds contained in the hole and continue the game. If the last seed is laying on an empty hole then the player can not move on. Turn to move into the opponent's play. This condition is referred to as the circumstances

The game ends when all the seeds have been in the hole each player's goals, or if one player does not already have seeds in little holes to be played (called off the road). The winner is who has the highest number of seeds in the hole.

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