
The Day of Abstinence at Sea for Fishermen

Mixmug News. The people of Aceh today Wednesday 26 desember commemorate the tsunami tragedy a national disaster. Various methods are used to commemorate events that residents claimed hundreds of thousands of lives these past eight years. The fishermen commemorate the tragedy by not fishing.

December 26th as the Day of Abstinence at sea for fishermen in Aceh, the fishermen utilize that day to remember family and friends who are victims of the tsunami.

  Monitoring in Ship Harbour Fishermen Lampulo, Banda Aceh, hundreds of fishing boats along the river looks lean Kreung Aceh. Only a few fishermen are seen near their boats.

The fishing on this day of remembrance and prayer done is done at the local mosque to send out a prayer for their relatives who were victims of the tsunami disaster last December 26, 2004.

Disaster caused by the tsunami of 26 December 2004 a devastating disaster ever experienced by the people of Aceh, especially the fishermen, from 270,000 people become victims, estimated at more than 30 percent are coastal people who work as fishermen.

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