

Mixmug News. A dance performance storytelling (Lagendriyan) made spectacular by the true story.
Watching this show on Saturday night  opened my eyes that something traditional can look spectacular. Not just in terms of appearance of the dancers alone but the choreography and the stage of neat. The slope of the stage 15 degrees Jay idea Subiakto as artistic director to be successful in making the overall choreography is easily seen from the audience. The story is taken from the true story of his research was done for 2 years by Atilah, descendants Mangkunegaran Palace. So no wonder the show is made in detail.
While watching this show, although I am not a dance expert but look who plays Rubiyah Creep, a warrior woman and wife of Prince Samber lifeblood of the empire Mangkunegaran, Solo; really impressed me. Motion dance did show that he was really a professional dancer. According to information from the official website Matah Ati (http://matah-ati.com), Creep Yulianingsih is a classical Javanese dancer and a powerful soprano. She has been dancing for 15 years Mangkunegaran Palace. While Dawn Satriadai who plays Raden Mas Said / Prince Samber Life is a professional dancer who has been in the world of dance since the age of 20 years.

An epic story of the struggle against Dutch colonialism in Java Javanese songs presented with dialogue and movements of the dancers who performed brilliantly. The background of the woman named Rubiyah and how Raden Mas Said met him until eventually merried served for about 2 hours. TIM Theatre in Jakarta filled up the stands on the third floor. Every turn round the audience always gave applause and even standing applause at the end of the show. Unfortunately, viewers (like me) do not know if anyone had read the guide book shows each scene movement as entirely using Java song. Nothing like the promise I heard the interview with organizers in one private TV station, an introductory screen is not displayed when each round performances.
Although I was a little disappointed with the technical stuff like that but the stage and costumes and the joke that offends some mbok waistband current issue in Indonesia as a successful middle innings that night kept me entertained. Should have more events like this, which was held in Indonesia and also introduced abroad.

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