
Make the Event Memorable

Mixmug News. Instead, camp activities should be prepared carefully, not just an important camp!
In the camp should er should be the assessment or evaluation of existing training activities, not arena hazing.
Support the work should be able to choose the type of activity that is able to explore the competence team. For example, performing arts activities. How efforts to prop work that the campers are well prepared to be kind showed later stage. Usually campfire-which is the top-event will be attended by people around the campsite to watch the performing arts. So it should be made lively and of course the level of safety is also on full alert!
No wonder campfire finished fastest 12 o'clock at night, well because this event really is an event for the release tired, tired for camping, the term cooling down! Lha campfire if there really finished at 21 then where treats for people ? Means no creativity art training then!

It ended up being so great benefits of camping is done, then it's no wonder all the bases before trying to force how can camp, should the builder brothers trying to figure out what to camping in accordance with  scouts, so that we provide the right knowledge to students and they did not have a bad mindset about scouts.
Good Work!

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