
On The Ship

Mixmug News. Journey across the Strait of Sunda for 3 hours this was not my waste to witness the panorama of the Strait of Sunda. Incidentally the sky is very bright. Quite a few photos that I capture, from the sky was still bright daylight and the sun began to slip, until the last late in the afternoon.

World covered by water, so many places where it found the scenery stunning.
Sight of smoke coming out of the summit of Mount Krakatoa and eruptions of dense forests on fire, but not enough to see the challenge to see children as active Krakatoa volcano up close, the larva bursts of incandescent volcanic crater children.
In fact, the Krakatau eruption was not only the beauty and history of spooky. On Krakatau, not only can adventure and the opportunity to watch the eruption of Krakatoa moments entrails spew, but also can enjoy the flora and fauna that live on the islands. Moreover, this group of Krakatau Islands into the area and nature reserve by UNESCO as world heritage and is a natural laboratory. On Krakatau, can learn how life evolved on land grows ever sterile of life.

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